First Generation-Phonograph Record
Initially, the record is a tool that has a pen that vibrates to produce sound from a disc. This idea comes from the Charles Cros of France in the tender 1887. But unfortunately never materialized. In the same year, Thomas A. Edison invented the phonograph (record player) that serves to record sounds that are mostly used for office purposes. The name comes from Emilie Berliner gramophone who in 1888 discovered a new type of vinyl records and patent under the Berliner Gramaphone label. In 1918 the patent expires, all labels were competing to produce LPs. In those days, most owners gramophone is still limited to upper middle class only.
LPs start there since 1948. There are three sizes of LPs in a matter of rpm (rotation per minute) of 78, 45, 33 1 / 3. LPs 78 and 45 for plate diameter 25 cm, while the 33 1 / 3 to 30 cm diameter plate. 78, 45, 33 1 / 3 rpm point is, every single minute spin at the record number that becomes its size (78, 45, 33 1 / 3). The larger diameter of the license plate, the smaller the size to play it.
Later the speed of 78 start is not used anymore in this record production since around the 60s and only the speed of 45 and 33 1 / 3 are still used to play it. Plate size of 30 cm with a speed of 33 1 / 3 the so-called Long Play (abbreviated LP), plate size is 25 cm also with a speed of 33 1 / 3 still includes Long Play, but usually contains 4 songs on each side, plate size 18 cm with a speed of 45 or 33 1 / 3 as well, contains 1 piece of track on each side called the Single Player and which contains 2 songs on each side called the Extended Player.
There are some tools to play LPs, one of which was the phonograph. How it works just the same record in all the dial means, namely by using the stylus, which is shaped like a needle on the fringes of LPs. Stylus it serves to record the deviation of the sound waves recorded on LPs and then forward into megaphones.
Physically, LPs large and somewhat heavy, weighing approximately 90-200 grams. The point is not practical to carry everywhere LPs. However, the excess is not easily damaged vinyl records and recorded sound good. So long as no license plate beret-beret, a black disc will not be problematic. Hence LPs many people liked. The musicians in the 1950s-1970s that much of the recorded songs into their LPs. But usually they only have a single record into a record-sized 78 or 45. So most there are only two tracks, each with one song on side A and Side B. That's because in those days to record a song costs more expensive, after all, a singer or a band usually only have one or two well-known songs, therefore they prefer to make a single. So even if they make an album, the album can only LPs recorded in size 33 1 / 3, usually the rest of the songs other than just single filler.
In Indonesia alone, the record began to be used as a tape recorder around the year 1957. Record companies that debuted at the time and producing records is Lokananta in Surakarta and Rhythm in Menteng. Some artists like Koes Brothers, Titik Puspa, and Lilies Syriac is the record company's songs on the record in the format of LPs. At that time in Indonesia, including expensive LPs, coupled with the dial tool, so not all people in Indonesia have it. That is one factor that caused the record is less well known in Indonesia.
To the world itself, the record began to fall prominence since the CD in the early 1980s. CD managed to displace the market because of its physical LPs smaller so it can be easily carried, plus a clear voice.
However, at the present time, the record still and are being sought. Because the people who want to have a recording musician idol, want to have their records from the time of LPs. Besides recording the songs for the old musicians, like for example the Beatles, more on the LPs. In addition, an additional value to the LPs have right now is the inner satisfaction, prestige, and its essence in collecting goods.
Cassete,The Media Music Box 2nd Generation
Compact audio cassette introduced by Philips as an audio storage medium in Europe in 1963. Then in 1965 began to be mass produced.
Audio cassette, has been there since 1963. But the tape could not displace the position of record at the time. Around the year 1970 before the tape began ogled by many people and also the recording industry.
Cassette has a simple form, with two perforation as a magnetic tape player. Magnetic tape is a medium for recording sound on tape. Recording capacity that can be done
a different tape, the least capacity could only record a seven minute dive in each sidenya, so when summed duration of one tape is 14 minutes, while the longest is the capacity that can record up to 60 minutes in each sidenya, so the duration of the whole thing is 120 minutes or two hours.
Tools to play the tapes can be found everywhere, from large to small, some are even portable, so we can bring it anywhere with ease. Another plus is the cassette can be used to record manually, the point is we can record another voice recordings and put in a blank tape that we have. Hence, in the 1970s, almost all musicians must have a single record or album in cassette. Because in addition to record more, if we use a cassette with a capacity of 120 minutes, the cost to produce by using a cassette tape is cheaper. Until now, any cassette recorder is still the alternative media chosen by the musicians. But in recent years began to have a record company that no longer want to produce the tapes.
One of the main factors that cause the tape is less well known in the beginning of its appearance, is the tapes, which use magnetic tape as a tool to record sound, sometimes not record perfectly. So it is very possible, recordings on tape or if it's his voice sluggish good voice, chances are the tape to be sluggish too big. That's because the magnetic tape contained in cassettes fairly sensitive, we should not let the tape is dirty, let alone to magnetic tape, dirty, and we also have to play the tape to the very limit of usually white ribbon that does not exist on tape. In addition we also have to be careful not to wrinkle when rolled magnetic tape. It means we must treat more extra tapes. Plus magnetic tape to record now is thinner than the old days (circa 1970s), so the possibility of damaged tapes for larger. But the old tapes are not collateral damage.
Compact Disc,The Cassete Killer
Belle music recording device so far is a CD. Present in the early 1980s and managed to shift the position of his predecessor, LPs and cassettes. Excellence CD is its very simple and concise, clear sound quality, the ability to record is superb, can record up to more than 700 mega bytes, but it is also easy maintenance. The basic principle of equal treatment such as vinyl records, as long as no beret-beret CD would be fine.
There are plenty of tools to be able to play a CD. CD can be played when the sensor is shaped like the eye contained a CD player can read the CD. For that is why it is important that the CD remains guarded condition was and no beret-beret, because if there scratch there will be a problem reading the CD.
When a musical group, take the example again of the Beatles wanted to record her album into a CD, usually the record company will make two versions of the tape. International recording a CD which will be imported whose quality is definitely better and the price is also more expensive. While version
both are local CD made again by the same record company that released a CD recording of imports, but the record company is in the country where local CD that will be marketed. Lack of local CD even though the price is much cheaper than imported CD is the lack of good quality, but it more prestige even less if we buy local CDs.
Another plus, the songs contained in the CD can be transferred to computer by way of the rip that later we can easily move back to the means of a portable music player.
Digital Music-Welcome To The New Era Brother...
New innovations in the field of music is digital music. With the MP3 format, OOG, or WAV digital music started out echo. Number of digital music player that supports this format create a new era of digital music. For example, if earlier, the music is ripped-the term for digital audio extraction - and trapped on PCs and Macs with iTunes such applications. Now with the presence of the iPod as a devicesophisticated portable music ever created, there was a mix comfort with portability and function of the web as a platform that is truly universal. Another thing that supports the transformation of the music media is the act of the big labels abandon digital music protection system or digital rights management (DRM). Until the year 2007, major labels are still not convinced the elimination of DRM would boost sales of the album because without it the digital music freely distribution among consumers, which means no revenue for labels.
Digital music using digital signal in the process of sound reproduction. As the process of digitalization of analog music recording format, the song or have a wide range of digital music formats that depend on the technology used, namely:
* MP3
MP3 (MPEG, Audio Layer 3) into most popular formats of digital music. This is because the smaller the file size with quality that is not inferior to CD audio. This format was developed and patented by Fraunhofer Institute. With a bitrate 128 kbps, MP3 files are of good quality. However, the successor to MP3 Pro MP3-format-offer the same quality with half the bitrate of MP3. MP3 Pro is compatible with MP3. MP3 player can play MP3 files Pro-but the sound quality is not as good as the devices that support MP3 Pro.
WAV is a sound de-facto standard in Windows. Initially the ripping of the CD recorded in this format before it is converted into other formats. But now this stage is often skipped because the files in this format are usually not compressed and therefore large.
AAC stands for Advanced Audio Coding. This format is a standard part of the Motion Picture Experts Group (MPEG), MPEG-2 standard since enacted in 1997. Sample rate offered to 96 KHz MP3-two times. This format used in Apple at its online music store, iTunes. The quality of music in this format pretty well even at low bitrates. iPod, portable digital music player from Apple, is a leading devices that support this format.
The format offered by Microsoft, Windows Media Audio (WMA) is preferred online music vendors because of its support for Digital Rights Management (DRM). DRM is a feature to prevent music piracy, it is greatly feared by the current music studio. Excess WMA music other is a better quality than MP3 or AAC. This format is quite popular and supported by software and the latest hardware in general.
* Ogg Vorbis
Ogg Vorbis is the only file format that is open and free. Other formats mentioned above are generally patented, and software developers or hardware makers have to pay licenses for the products that can play files with relevant format.In terms of quality, excess Ogg Vorbis is a high quality at lower bitrates than other formats. Popular software, Winamp and a portable MP3 player pioneer Rio has been supporting this format in the newest model. However the hardware support of this format is still rare.
* Real Audio
One of the formats commonly found on low bitrates. The format from RealNetworks is commonly used in audio streaming service. At 128 kbps bitrate upwards RealAudio uses MPEG-4 AAC standard.
One audio format is more suited to the sound produced by a synthesizer or other electronic devices, but not suitable for the conversion of analog sound because it is not too accurate. Files with this format is small and is often used in mobile phones as a ringtone.
All digital music formats above can be played in a variety of music player imaginable da developing current examples:
-MP3 Player
Event,Handphone can do that.
Music in digital format has several advantages over the music in the medium format
- a variety of formats can be adapted to the technology used
- quality similar to the master copy which allows doubling of the record company without lowering the quality of music
- sales process with a single approach or one song proved far more effective and efficient than conventional mediums such as cassette or CD
With all its advantages, digital music has some drawbacks as well, namely:
- ease of recording and duplication trigger recording piracy surely hurt
- distributing digital music on the Internet can not be fully controlled by the label so that affect revenue for labels
Source : Wikipedia
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